четверг, 9 января 2020 г.


Try it yourself and please report any issues so. When I preview it in 2D pronterface, I don't get the holes either. Quote rogerclark pocketmoon What Reprap do you have? Same ini file used with both versions. I hope it will solve it! Software engineer, 3D printing pioneer, author of Slic3r, speaker. I do this quite regularly with Blender and it does it very well. slic3r 1.0.0rc1

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Has anybody tested to see if they fixed hole sizes yet?

slic3r 1.0.0rc1

Quote crispy1 Quote I rendered it with your. Perhaps there is an issue with the nozzle size setting? Would love to see how it holds up against KISSlicer 1.

How do you change part position relative to the printing bed? Quote I rendered it with your. Lots of downloads for Slic3r RC1, I had to increase sever bandwidth!. With the extrusion widths set to 0 it generates the toolpath correctly for the hollow box.

Slic3r 1.0.0rc1

I have a Reprap Pro Mendel Tricolour and use Slice3r to do all of my slicing, using Pronterface to manage the printer. Quote crispy1 Quote or maybe finally make the switch to something else.

The third is the path around the largest hole in the section on the right is incorrect. A huge amount of work went into this release candidate build.

Slic3r imported STL and part will be printed in Z direction. The new slic3r is available! Visualized in Project Miller. When trying to export gcode for this model using these setting, Slic3r hangs " Exporting G-code to " Here are the 1.0.0rx1 required to reproduce the issue.

As there appear to be things that it doesnt keep in the ini files.

slic3r 1.0.0rc1

I have quick queastion about slic3r. Quote rogerclark pocketmoon What Reprap do you have?

Slic3r rc1 download

Click here to login. This forum is powered by Phorum. Are you sure it isn't a rendering problem? In case you haven't seen: Lsic3r have configured Slic3r for Sailfish Makerbot style gcode.

How do you change part position relative to the printing bed? But the Mac version is broken and can't be used The 32 bit windows version, for me, crashes at the beginning of. I have not changed anything so maybe I need to redo settings or something for the new one but I would say with the old setting it would not print as well just based on the look.

Edited 1 time s. I have tried and would like to use Repetier Host instead of Pronterface, but I don't get on with it as I find its slic3rr to control inputs to be a 11.0.0rc1 'laggy'.

One minor problem is it's way too aggressive in adding extra perimeters on layers where there's no clear reason for needing them, so I think that logic 1.0.0r1c still broken.

I've had problems with infill on small walls.

Slic3r 1.0.0RC1

And actually printed the same part almost twise as fast as slic3r and at a better quality settings were almost the same, difference was that slic3r was making 3 outside layers instead of 2 on Cura. I see Thank you!

I really don't 1.0.0rv1 how it can be a rendering issue when it is pulling all the data from the G-Code. Software engineer, 3D printing pioneer, author of Slic3r, speaker.

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